Friday 13 November 2015

Research: The Importance Of Opening Titles


For this task I had to take note of each title that comes onto the screen and what time it comes on at. 
In this task i had to look at the typography. This is the font style, size, colour and positioning on the screen.

For this task we had to watch the opening with no sound and look at the visual aspects of the opening. We had to describe what we saw so the locations, characters and other images.
We had to play the opening again but close our eyes and listen to the sounds. Describe what we could hear precisely. Was there music and what type is it? Think about the tempo, the instruments, the feelings and emotions. we also had to think if there were any other sounds like diegetic and non-diegetic sounds.

I have learnt from analysing this opening that there should be no speech in an opening because it could end up looking like a trailer and that there are quite a lot of titles in an opening and a lot of visual aspects to it.

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