Monday 7 December 2015

Research and Planning Self-Asssessment

1. Research into horror films.

I think my research into horror films is of a good standard as I have explained the history of horror films. Also I have researched codes and conventions that are used in existing horror films. This gives me ideas of what codes and conventions to use in my horror film and what makes a good horror.

2. Research into a potential target audience.

My research into a potential target audience is good because when i looked into the conventions of a teen horror film I saw parts in the films that a teen audience would enjoy. 

3. Time Management 

My time management i would say is alright as I do get the work completed sometimes after the date as i usually draft a post which is not finished and forget to do it as my memory isn't very good but i always get it in. 

4. Use of digital technology or ICT

I think the use of technology or ICT I have is fairly good. I can edit with adobe premiere pro which I have edited my preliminary task with. I have also used pictures and uploaded videos from youtube to my blog. To show my groups story board for the preliminary task I have used slide share. This is the only presentation website I have used as I don't get on with websites such as prezi. 

5. Communication skills

My use of communication skills could be better as in and essay and evaluation I could use more terminology or explain the use of terminology as I lack it. 

6. Level of care taken in the presentation of work

The level or care in my presentation of my work is good as I use photos and videos and such in my blog but Blogger seems to have a mind of its own as they way I set my work out Blogger disform it and it can look quite messy. 

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